Fourth Circuit
- Order CJA Payments COVID19
- Standing Order Phase Four of District Court Recovery Plan (22-05)
- Amend Stand Order Limitation on Spectators in Courtroom (16)
- Order COVID-19 Pandemic Procedures (Phase 3)(25)
- Stand Order Modification to Jury Summons Procedure COVID-19 (19)
- Stand Order Grand Jury Operations COVID-19 (21-3)
- Stand Order Procedures Filing Service and Management HSD (21-2)
- Updated Amend Stand Order Court Operations COVID-19 (21-16)
- Stand Order Reauthorization Video TC for Criminal Proceedings CARES Act (21-14)
- Notice Vaccine Policy District of Maryland COVID-19
- Standing Order Vaccination Policy (21-10)
North Carolina, Eastern
- Order Restrictions on Visitors to Courthouse
- Stand Order Courthouse Protocols during COVID-19
- Supp Stand Order Video Conferencing Criminal Proceedings CARES Act COVID-19 (21-6)
- Stand Order Procedures Filing Service Management HSD (21-2)
- Stand Order Guilty Pleas in Criminal Felony Cases (22-SO-1)
- Order Prohibition of Wireless Communication Devices at Court Facilities (22-SO-2)
North Carolina, Middle
North Carolina, Western
- Court Operations Directive COVID-19
- Restrictions on Visitors to Courthouses
- Notice Jury Information Post Pandemic
- Notice Drop Box Filing
- Amend Order Court Operations COVID-19 Phase Two (9)
- Standing Order Extend Use Video TC for Criminal Proceedings CARES Act (16)
- Standing Order Procedures Filing Service and Management HSD (21-5)
South Carolina
- Amended Order Re District Clerks Office Operations COVID-19 (21-31)
- Order Revocation Interim CJA Voucher Process COVID-19 (21-32)
- Third Amend Stand Order Re Use Face Coverings and Mask due to COVID-19 (22-1)
- Fourth Amended Order Restrictions Visitors Courthouses COVID-19 (22-3)
- Standing Order Re Resuming Pre-Covid Court Operations Presiding Judge Discretion (22-1)
- Order Termination of All COVID19 Related Orders
- Stand Order Procedure Filing Service and Management HSDs (21-20)
Virginia, Eastern
- Gen Order Electronic Access to Bond Reports
- General Order Court Operations of In-Person Naturalizations COVID-19 (22-5)
- Notice Discontinuation of Public Drop Box
- General Order Court Operations Updated Public Entry Notices (22-4)
- Amended Standing Order Court Operations Due Process Act (DDPA)
- Second Amended Stand Order Procedures Filing Service and Management HSD
- Gen Order Court Operations Vaccination Testing Policy Admitted Counsel Employees (21-13)
- Notice-Change in Masking Requirements All Divisions JAN 2023
Virginia, Western
- Stand Order Lifting Restrictions on Visitors to Courthouses (21-12)
- Order Interim CJA Vouchers
- Standing Order Criminal Hearings Trials (Danville Division) (22-9)
- Stand Order Policy Mask Wearing Courthouse Entry COVID-19 (23-2)
- Order Procedure for Secure Review PSR with Detained Clients during COVID-19
- Stand Order Public Access to Remote Proceedings and Confidentiality Pretrial Services Reports
- Stand Order Due Process Protections Act (21-13)
- Standing Order Reauthorization Video TC Hearings Criminal Cases CARES Act (23-12)
- Thirteenth Amended Stand Order Suspension of Naturalization Ceremonies (20-3)
- New Stand Order Division of Cases Among District Judges (21-18)
- Stand Order Procedures Filing, Service and Management HSDs (21-1)
- Standing Order Court Operations COVID-19 Testing (22-3)
- Stand Order Appt FDO Eligible Post Conviction Relief under Ruan/Taylor (22-15)
West Virginia, Northern
- Standing Order Regarding Interim CJA Voucher
- Order Suspension of the Grand Jury
- Updated Misc Standing Order Re Court Operations Masks (22-33)
- Third Amended Stand Order Restrictions on Visitors to Courthouses (21-4)
- Twelfth Extension Misc Standing Order Authorization Remote Criminal Proceedings CARES Act (22-42)
- Misc Order Closure Wheeling Courthouse (35)
- Misc Order Temp Closure Elkins Courthouse (10)
- Misc Order Temp Closure Martinsburg Courthouse (101)
- Standing Order New Procedures Filing, Service and Management HSD
West Virginia, Southern
- General Order Face Coverings Masks Suspended in Courthouses (14)
- General Order Court Operations Resumption Jury Selections beginning MAY 3, 2021 (11)
- General Order No. 4 Eleventh Extension Use Video TC Criminal Proceedings CARES Act (5)
- Revised General Order Procedures Designation, Submission, Filing and Management HSD (21-4)
- Stand Order Audio Video Recording Equip and Wireless Communication Devices