The Defender Services Office funds a number of major death penalty training events, both federal death penalty trial programs and federal capital habeas corpus seminars. These trainings include: 1) the Federal Death Penalty Trial Strategy Session, 2) the National Habeas Seminar, and 3) the Capital Mitigation Skills Workshop. The substantive planning of these events is done by two sets of contractors, the Federal Death Penalty Resource Counsel and the Habeas Assistance and Training Counsel. Administrative and logistical support are provided by the Training Division. Please contact with any questions regarding these trainings.
The Federal Death Penalty Unit (FDPU) is a specialized unit of the Federal Public Defender for the District of Nevada. The FDPU represents indigent defendants who are charged with federal criminal offenses that can result in punishment by death. It is comprised of attorneys and other legal professionals who have substantial experience in capital cases. The FDPU provides comprehensive representation, including investigation, mitigation, paralegal, and administrative support. The FDPU is available to accept appointments in federal districts throughout the United States. Depending on the needs of the defendant and the district, the FDPU can provide sole representation or can work in collaboration with local counsel (including counsel with another defender office or counsel appointed under the Criminal Justice Act). Please find all contact information for the FDPU here.
Capital Defense Network
The Capital Defense Network's primary purpose is to assist lawyers representing individuals in federal death penalty proceedings and federal habeas corpus proceedings dealing with the death penalty. A list of upcoming seminars, in addition to other valuable resources, may be found at the Defender Services Office's capital website, -
Death Penalty Information Center
The Death Penalty Information Center is a national non-profit organization whose mission is to serve the media, policymakers, and the general public with data and analysis on issues concerning capital punishment and the people it affects. DPIC does not take a position on the death penalty itself but is critical of problems in its application.