This page provides a list of the states where the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts Defender Services Office is an accredited sponsor/provider. For CLE information specific to each state, click on the state below and refer to the URL to be directed to the state's CLE information page. Self-Reporting does not apply to the states listed below, unless otherwise noted. ARKANSAS * Self-apply/reporting state: Attorneys must report attendance / completion of CLE requirements. For more information about Continuing Legal Education requirements for this state, visit: GEORGIA Sponsor will submit attendance /sign-in sheet on behalf of the attorney. For more information about Continuing Legal Education requirements for this state, visit: GUAM * Self-apply/reporting state: Attorneys must report attendance / completion of CLE requirements. For more information about Continuing Legal Education requirements for this state, visit HAWAII * The DSO TRAINING DIVISION is an approved provider and as such does not need pre-approval for its legal education activities. Sponsor will submit attendance on behalf of attorneys within 30 days of the completion date of the program/activity. For more information about Continuing Legal Education requirements for this state, visit: ILLINOIS * Self-apply/reporting state: Attorneys must report attendance / completion of CLE requirements. Course provider keeps attendance record for at least three years after course ends. Illinois attendance total is reported to the Board. For more information about Continuing Legal Education requirements for this state, visit: IOWA * Self-apply/reporting state: Attorneys must report attendance / completion of CLE requirements. For more information about Continuing Legal Education requirements for this state, visit: NEW JERSEY (50-minutes) * Self-reporting state: Attorneys must report attendance / completion of CLE requirements. For more information about Continuing Legal Education requirements for this state, visit: NEVADA Sponsor will submit attendance on behalf of attorneys within 30 days of the completion date of the program/activity. For more information about Continuing Legal Education requirements for this state, visit PENNSYLVANIA Sponsor will submit attendance on behalf of attorneys within 30 days of the completion date of the program/activity. For more information about Continuing Legal Education requirements for this state, visit: RHODE ISLAND Sponsor will submit attendance /sign-in sheet on behalf of the attorney. For more information about Continuing Legal Education requirements for this SOUTH CAROLINA Sponsor will submit attendance on behalf of attorneys within 30 days of the completion date of the program/activity. For more information about Continuing Legal Education requirements for this state, visit: VERMONT * Self-apply/reporting state: Attorneys must report attendance / completion of CLE requirements. For more information about Continuing Legal Education requirements for this state, visit: VIRGIN ISLANDS * Self-apply/reporting state: Attorneys must report attendance / completion of CLE requirements. For more information about Continuing Legal Education requirements for this state, visit: