Disclaimer: FAQs will be updated periodically or as needed. General CLE Information In-Person Webinars Help/Support General CLE Information: Q: Do all Training Division programs offered qualify for CLE? A: Most but not all programs offered by the Training Division qualify for CLE credit. CLE approval is at the discretion of the State Bar. CLE information will be made available by Training Division (TD) Staff as approved by state Bar. Q: Who provides content for CLE programs offered by the Training Division? A: Training Division Attorney Advisors and/or Committees (if applicable) work together to develop content for CLE programs. Q: Does the Training Division decide if a program is approved for CLE? A: CLE approval is at the discretion of the State Bar not the Training Division. Continuing Legal Education (CLE) accreditation for attending In-Person or Live Webinar Programs will be sought in all applicable jurisdictions unless otherwise noted in the program announcement. CLE information will be made available by Training Division (TD) Staff as approved and as applicable by State Bar or CLE Commission. Q: I need Ethics CLE credit, where can I find the programs on Fd.org? A: You may do one of the following: Visit the Training Division's Training Events calendar and sort through our programs for Ethics (note there is no filter function for ethics and you will have to scroll through the list of programs) Enter the word "Ethics" in the search function on Fd.org (top of page under "Login") Search for Ethics in our password protected Training Division Webinars under Program Materials & Videos. Q: How do I know if CLE credit is approved for my state? A: The Meeting Coordinator (TD Staff) assigned to the program will send Attorney attendees a post program email with a CLE Information Sheet detailing the amount of CLE credit approved by the state. Q: What CLE information and documentation will the Training Division provide? A: The Meeting Coordinator (TD Staff) assigned to the program will send Attorney attendees a post program email with a CLE Information Sheet detailing the amount of CLE credit approved by the state, a Uniform Certificate of Attendance and a program Agenda. Q: Can you tell me what the CLE requirement for my state is? A: You may view requirements for your State Bar by visiting the Training Division's CLE Info Center. Q: Does the Training Division report / submit my attendance for CLE credit or do I as the Attorney? A: Information on who will report / submit attendance on behalf of the Attorney, can be found on the Training Division's CLE Info Center "Self-Apply/Self-Reporting States" or "States with CLE" page. Q: Do I have to pay a fee to report attendance for CLE credit for my state? A: Information on who will report / submit attendance on behalf of the Attorney by state, can be found on the Training Division's CLE Info Center webpage under "States with CLE". The Training Division does not collect any fees. Q: I don't need CLE credit, but I need proof of attendance, how do I obtain proper documentation? A: Email us at DSO_CLEAdmin@ao.uscourts.gov for further assistance. Q: What are specialty credits? And what specialty credits are offered by the Training Division? A: Specialty credits are credits available in an area of specialization directed toward the development of advanced skills. There are seven specialty skills (General and Ethics credits not included). The Training Division generally offers five (as noted in the Uniform Certificate of Attendance). Areas of Professional Practice Diversity & Inclusion Elimination of Bias Law Practice Management Skills Q: I am barred in more than one of the following states NM, TN, PA, NE, will the Training Division report attendance to all states? A: To minimize reporting fees per attorney/program, if you are barred in more than one of the following states: NM, TN, PA, NE, CLE attendance will be reported to one of these states. Q: Does the Training Division keep a record of my CLE? A: No, the Training Division does not keep individual attorney CLE records. The attorney is responsible for keeping track of their own CLE records, registration emails and program documentation. Q: Can I obtain CLE credit for partial attendance? A: Attorneys are required to attend the full length of the program to obtain CLE credit. The Training Division will award CLE credit for full program participation. Q: Where can I find information about Training Division programming and events? A: Visit fd.org, then, click on "Training Events" to view and access the Training Division's programs and events. Q: Who may register and attend Training Division programs? A: All Training Division programs are limited to persons who provide services pursuant to the Federal Criminal Justice Act (CJA). For more information, please read our Training Events Registration Disclaimer. In-person: Q: I attended a 'Live' in-person program and did not receive documentation to claim/report CLE credit, who do I contact? A:Follow the instructions below for verification and to obtain CLE documentation: The attorney must first verify with their state bar what credit reporting rules apply to ensure compliance. CLE information by state bar is available in theCLE Info Center. Send an email request to a Training Division (TD) Meeting Coordinator or the Attorney Advisor assigned to the program with the details outlined below. If you do not have an email for the TD staff person, email your request to DSO_CLEAdmin@ao.uscourts.gov with the details outlined below. Your email request must include the following for verification and consideration: Title of the Program (s) Actual date of the: "live" in-person program attended or "live" webinar (s) attended, or previously recorded webinar / program watched by the attorney. State and bar number. Upon receipt of the email, a TD staff person will: Verify the attendance and or participation. Send an email with CLE documentation such as a Uniform Certificate of Attendance (UCOA), a CLE Information Sheetand/or an Attendance Verification Certificate (if applicable) once attendance and or participation has been confirmed. Important Information: The verification process will take up to 10 business days. Due to the volume of requests, we receive and to minimize reporting fees per attorney/program: TD will issue CLE documentation and report attendance for two (2) programs, and two (2) states maximum per calendar year. If you are barred in more than one of the following states:NE, NM, TN, PA, CLE attendance will be reported to one of these states. Please be sure to indicate which state in your request. TD will not be able to process CLE credit requests for previously recorded webinars/programs older than three (3) years from the original date of the program or attorney view date. Please be sure to verify credit reporting rules for previously recorded webinars with your state bar. CLE information by state bar is available in the CLE Info Center. Some states do not issue CLE credit for previously recorded webinars older than one (1) reporting year from the original date of the webinar (i.e. AL State Bar). Attorneys cannot self-apply/report credit in states where the Training Division is an Accredited CLE provider. To verify your state's accreditation status with TD, visit the CLE Info Center. Q: What is the duration of Training Division 'Live' in-person and webinar programs? A: Duration of in-person programs varies by days, whereas webinars occur on one day. Duration of sessions for both in-person and webinar program generally lasts approximately 60-75 minutes. The specific length for every session is listed in each program agenda. For those watching recordings of past programs, the exact duration of each recording is displayed at the start of each recording. Q: When attending 'Live' in-person Training Division programs, how do Attorney's earn CLE credit? A: Attorney is required to sign in and sign out each day of the program as applicable and instructed by Training Division (TD) Staff to receive full CLE credit. If an Attorney signs in and does NOT sign out the attorney cannot receive full CLE credits for attending. Exceptions are made at the discretion of the Meeting Planner and or the Meeting Coordinator. Ultimately the State Bar decides if an attorney can be granted CLE credit for the total credit hours reported. The attorney must be present for at least 40 minutes for the Training Division to report attendance on their behalf. Q: How can I obtain program handout materials and videos for in person / virtual programs offered by the Training Division A: If program handout materials and videos are available, they will be posted on the password protected side of fd.org under "Program Materials & Videos" Q: How do I access program handout materials for previously held 'Live' in-person programs? A: Program handout materials and videos are available on the password protected side of fd.org under "Program Materials & Videos." Q: Does the Training Division have health and safety protocols for attendees who participate in in-person programs and events? A: Yes, Please read the 2023 DSO In-Person Health & Safety Protocols. Webinars: Q: I attended a 'Live' in-person program and did not receive documentation to claim/report CLE credit, who do I contact? A:Follow the instructions below for verification and to obtain CLE documentation: The attorney must first verify with their state bar what credit reporting rules apply to ensure compliance. CLE information by state bar is available in theCLE Info Center. Send an email request to a Training Division (TD) Meeting Coordinator or the Attorney Advisor assigned to the program with the details outlined below. If you do not have an email for the TD staff person, email your request to DSO_CLEAdmin@ao.uscourts.gov with the details outlined below. Your email request must include the following for verification and consideration: Title of the Program (s) Actual date of the: "live" in-person program attended or "live" webinar (s) attended, or previously recorded webinar / program watched by the attorney. State and bar number. Upon receipt of the email, a TD staff person will: Verify the attendance and or participation. Send an email with CLE documentation such as a Uniform Certificate of Attendance (UCOA), a CLE Information Sheetand/or an Attendance Verification Certificate (if applicable) once attendance and or participation has been confirmed. Important Information: The verification process will take up to 10 business days. Due to the volume of requests, we receive and to minimize reporting fees per attorney/program: TD will issue CLE documentation and report attendance for two (2) programs, and two (2) states maximum per calendar year. If you are barred in more than one of the following states:NE, NM, TN, PA, CLE attendance will be reported to one of these states. Please be sure to indicate which state in your request. TD will not be able to process CLE credit requests for previously recorded webinars/programs older than three (3) years from the original date of the program or attorney view date. Please be sure to verify credit reporting rules for previously recorded webinars with your state bar. CLE information by state bar is available in the CLE Info Center. Some states do not issue CLE credit for previously recorded webinars older than one (1) reporting year from the original date of the webinar (i.e. AL State Bar). Attorneys cannot self-apply/report credit in states where the Training Division is an Accredited CLE provider. To verify your state's accreditation status with TD, visit the CLE Info Center. Q: I watched a previously recorded webinar/program, how do I obtain documentation to claim/report CLE credit? A:Follow the instructions below for verification and to obtain CLE documentation: The attorney must first verify with their state bar what credit reporting rules apply to ensure compliance. CLE information by state bar is available in theCLE Info Center. Send an email request to a Training Division (TD) Meeting Coordinator or the Attorney Advisor assigned to the program with the details outlined below. If you do not have an email for the TD staff person, email your request to DSO_CLEAdmin@ao.uscourts.gov with the details outlined below. Your email request must include the following for verification and consideration: Title of the Program (s) Actual date of the: "live" in-person program attended or "live" webinar (s) attended, or previously recorded webinar / program watched by the attorney. State and bar number. Upon receipt of the email, a TD staff person will: Verify the attendance and or participation. Send an email with CLE documentation such as a Uniform Certificate of Attendance (UCOA), a CLE Information Sheetand/or an Attendance Verification Certificate (if applicable) once attendance and or participation has been confirmed. Important Information: The verification process will take up to 10 business days. Due to the volume of requests, we receive and to minimize reporting fees per attorney/program: TD will issue CLE documentation and report attendance for two (2) programs, and two (2) states maximum per calendar year. If you are barred in more than one of the following states:NE, NM, TN, PA, CLE attendance will be reported to one of these states. Please be sure to indicate which state in your request. TD will not be able to process CLE credit requests for previously recorded webinars/programs older than three (3) years from the original date of the program or attorney view date. Please be sure to verify credit reporting rules for previously recorded webinars with your state bar. CLE information by state bar is available in the CLE Info Center. Some states do not issue CLE credit for previously recorded webinars older than one (1) reporting year from the original date of the webinar (i.e. AL State Bar). Attorneys cannot self-apply/report credit in states where the Training Division is an Accredited CLE provider. To verify your state's accreditation status with TD, visit the CLE Info Center. Q: How can I obtain program handout materials and videos for in person / virtual programs offered by the Training Division A: If program handout materials and videos are available, they will be posted on the password protected side of fd.org under "Program Materials & Videos" Q: What is the duration of Training Division 'Live' in-person and webinar programs? A: Duration of in-person programs varies by days, whereas webinars occur on one day. Duration of sessions for both in-person and webinar program generally lasts approximately 60-75 minutes. The specific length for every session is listed in each program agenda. For those watching recordings of past programs, the exact duration of each recording is displayed at the start of each recording. Q: If I watch a previously recorded Training Division webinar does the timing announced at the beginning of the recording to receive of CLE Information and documentation apply to me? A: No, if an Attorney watches a previously recorded webinar, the time frame for obtaining CLE information and documentation no longer applies. Attorneys must first be verified, and CLE Information and documentation will be provided after the verification process. Q: How do I access the Training Division's previously record CLE webinars? A: Program handout materials and videos are available on the password protected side of fd.org under "Program Materials & Videos." Q: How many previously recorded webinars / programs will the Training Division issue/report CLE credit for? A: Due to the volume of requests, we receive and to minimize reporting fees per attorney/program: The verification process will take up to 10 business days. TD will issue CLE documentation and report attendance for two (2) programs, and two (2) states maximum per calendar year. TD will not be able to process CLE credit requests for previously recorded webinars/programs older than three (3) years from the original date of the program or attorney view date. Please be sure to verify credit reporting rules for previously recorded webinars with your state bar. CLE information by state bar is available in the CLE Info Center. Some states do not issue CLE credit for previously recorded webinars older than one (1) reporting year from the original date of the webinar (i.e. AL State Bar). Attorneys cannot self-apply/report credit in states where the Training Division is an Accredited CLE provider. To verify your state's accreditation status with TD, visit the CLE Info Center. Q: How is attendance recorded for Webinars (Virtual Programs)? A: The platforms used to deliver virtual programs e.g., webinars capture Attorney engagement and analytics. Help/Support: Q: I have questions about current and future Training Division programs and events, who do I contact? A: You may contact us one of the following ways: Visit Training Events on fd.org for a list of all current and future programs. You may send a message via "Contact Us" on fd.org. For specific questions about registering, email us. For specific questions about CLE, email us. Q: Is there a hotline or helpline phone number for the Training Division? A: Yes, the number is 1-800-788-9908 (toll free hotline) Q: I have general questions about the Training Division's CLE process and requirements that are not program specific and/or not addressed under the FAQs. A: If you have general questions about our CLE process and requirements that are not program specific, please email Jenny Abreu, Program Specialist, Continuing Legal Education (CLE).