Published on: Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Loren AliKhan was confirmed as the first South Asian woman to serve on the federal trial court in the District of Columbia (article available here).

An associate judge on the DC Court of Appeals, AliKhan was confirmed on Tuesday.

AliKhan is the latest in a string of historic judicial “firsts” for President Joe Biden. He’s stressed professional, gender, and racial diversity in his appointments to a federal bench that’s historically been white and male. On Monday, the Senate confirmed Irma Carrillo Ramirez as the first Latina to serve on the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.

AliKhan’s father was born in India and migrated to Pakistan before coming to the US and settling in Baltimore.

AliKhan clerked for a judge on the US Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. She was an associate at a law firm before moving on to the DC Solicitor General’s Office, which she eventually headed in acting and permanent roles. Biden appointed AliKhan to the appeals court in 2022.