Published on: Friday, January 1, 2021

The federal judiciary's Defender Services Office announces that pursuant to the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, there will be an increase to the Criminal Justice Act (CJA) panel attorney hourly rates.

CJA Panel Attorney Non-Capital Hourly Rate Increase

The panel attorney hourly rate increased from $152 to $155 for non-capital work. The new rate applies to services performed on or after January 1, 2021. Where appointment of counsel occurred before January 1, 2021, the new hourly compensation rate applies to that portion of services provided on or after the effective date.

CJA Panel Attorney Capital Hourly Rate Increase

The panel attorney hourly rate increased from $195 to $197 for capital work. The new rate applies to services performed on or after January 1, 2021. Where appointment of counsel occurred before January 1, 2021, the new hourly compensation rate applies to that portion of services provided on or after the effective date.

CJA Panel Attorney Case Compensation Maximums (in Non-Capital Cases)

Because of the increase in the non-capital hourly rate, the waivable case compensation maximum amounts for non-capital representations increase to:

Felony: $12,100 (previously $11,800) 
Appeal: $8,600 (previously $8,400)
Proceeding under 18 U.S.C. § 4106A: $2,600 (previously $2,500)
(The $3,400 case compensation maximum does not change.)

The new case compensation maximums apply to a voucher submitted by appointed counsel if that person furnished any CJA-compensable work on or after January 1, 2021. The former case compensation maximums apply to a voucher submitted by appointed counsel if that person’s CJA-compensable work on the representation was completed before January 1, 2021