The information on this page is maintained and developed by the Legal and Policy Division of the Defender Services Office. For inquiries, please contact the Legal and Policy Division Duty Attorney at 202-502-3030.
Non-Capital Representations
Non-Capital Mega-Case Budgeting Worksheets(xls)
Capital Prosecution Representations
Explanatory Memorandum for Case Budgeting in Federal Death Penalty Panel Attorney Representations (pdf)
Federal Death Penalty Budgeting Worksheets (xls)
Capital Habeas Corpus Section 2254 Representations
Capital Habeas Corpus Section 2254 Worksheets (xls)
Policies in Case Budgeting
Case-Budgeting Techniques and Other Cost-Containment Policies (pdf)
Cost-Containment Initiatives Regarding CJA Service Providers (pdf)
NOTE: Acrobat Standard or Professional is needed to save the data entered onto the Adobe PDF worksheets. With Acrobat Reader, data can be entered and printed, but not saved.