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2025 L&T Series: Techniques in Electronic Case Management (TECM) Workshop
Twenty years ago, discovery came on paper. Now most information starts digitally and never appears on paper. As a result, electronic discovery has inundated the modern criminal defense lawyer with large amounts of information in multiple formats. How you receive, organize, search, and retrieve that information can make all the difference in your client’s case. And “lawyers have a responsibility to have an adequate understanding of electronic discovery.” Office of the U.S. Courts Joint Working Grp. on Elec. Tech. in the Criminal Justice Sys., Recommendations for Electronically Stored Information (ESI) Discovery Production in Federal Criminal Cases Recommendations 2 (2012). The ABA has also adopted this position. See Commentary to Model Rule of Professional Responsibility 1.1.
The Law & Technology Series: Techniques in Electronic Case Management (TECM) Workshop is designed specifically for CJA panel attorneys who work on their own; however, anyone practicing criminal defense work, including Assistant Federal Public Defenders, paralegals, investigators, and mitigation specialists will benefit from this program. Participants will learn basic and advanced features of four litigation support software programs (Adobe Acrobat Pro, dtSearch, Cellebrite Reader, and CaseMap/TimeMap suite) that they can immediately incorporate into their daily practice.
This two-and-a-half-day program uses a combination of plenary presentations and small group instruction. Most of the participants’ time will be doing hands-on, interactive exercises that demonstrate strategies for solving e-discovery challenges using the litigation support software and a model case. Participants are encouraged to bring a case of their own to practice deploying their newly learned skills with experienced faculty. Participants will better understand how litigation support programs work, how they can use these tools while working on their own, and how to use these skills to better collaborate with the defense team.
Limited financial assistance may be available to non-federal defender registrants for travel and/or lodging purposes. Financial assistance applications will be available when registration opens.
The Conference Identification Number (CIN) for this seminar is CONF250021.